New Delhi: Actor Preity Zinta, in her latest Instagram entry, opened up about two recent incidents where she was harassed. The actress, in a strongly-worded statement, wrote, “2 events this week have left me a bit shaken.” The actress called out a woman who clicked pictures of the actress’ infant daughter and forcefully kissed her. Sharing the second incident, the actress stated that she was harassed by a man in a wheelchair, who constantly tried to stop her and asked her for some money.
The incident was filmed by a paparazzo, who she also called out in her post. Recalling the first incident, Preity Zinta wrote: “1 regarding my daughter Gia – where a woman tried to take her photo. When we politely asked her not to she walked away, then suddenly scooped my daughter in her arms and planted a big wet kiss next to her mouth and ran off saying what a cute baby. This woman lives in an elite building and happened to be in the garden where my kids were playing. If I wasn’t a celebrity I probably would have reacted badly but kept my cool as I didn’t want to make a scene.”
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